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  • 4 categories = 30% discount
  • 5–6 categories = 40% discount
  • 7–8 categories = 50% discount

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Restriction enzyme digestion



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Featured Cloning Resources


NEBNext_portal_web_icon  Getting Started with Molecular Cloning
Explore simple tips to improve efficiency in your cloning experiment.
NEBNext_portal_web_icon  Troubleshooting Guide for Cloning
Find common problems and solutions associated with cloning experiments.
NEBNext_portal_web_icon  Traditional Cloning Quick Guide
Find quick tips for optimization of each step in the cloning workflow.


tool_icon NEBcloner®
Find products, protocols and tips for each step of your traditional cloning experiment.
tool_icon NEBioCalculator®
For help with scientific calculations and conversions


NEBNext_portal_literature_icon Molecular Cloning Technical Guide
Get help with product selection, protocols, tips for optimization and trouble-shooting.



  • OverviewOfTraditionalCloning_720

    Overview of Traditional Cloning

    Traditional Cloning refers to the generation of DNA fragments using restriction enzymes, and their subsequent assembly into vectors and transformation. The name is derived from the method’s history as the first widely-accepted cloning method. Learn more in this tutorial about the benefits and disadvantages of Traditional Cloning.