FAQ: Can the Monarch® Spin gDNA Extraction Kit (NEB #T3010) be used to isolate gDNA from plants?

Although not specifically optimized for this application, many users have had success processing plant samples (cannabis,  wheat leaf, orchid leaf) with the Monarch Spin gDNA Extraction Kit. However, plant samples contain complex polysaccharides and polyphenols, neither of which the Monarch buffer system has been optimized to address. We recommend following the tissue protocol. Before lysis with the Tissue Lysis Buffer, the plant cell walls should be opened as much as possible by either using a microtube pestle, grinding under liquid nitrogen or using a bead mill. After lysis and RNase A incubation, centrifuge for 3 minutes at maximum speed (≥12,000 x g) to remove solid material and transfer the supernatant to a fresh tube.  We recommend using <25 mg of starting material, and using young tissue is also recommended for best results. Yields will vary significantly amongst different plant species based on both their genome size and the accessibility of the DNA.