
Oregon Health & Science University

My NEB Freezer Location and Hours

Research Stores, 1197 MacKenzie Hall
3181 S.W. Sam Jackson Park Road
Portland, OR 97239

Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Victor Perry
Phone: (503) 494-7715
Fax:(503) 494-6919

My NEB Account Manager

Shanna Sawatzki
Phone: (206) 889-0401


Products Available in this Freezer

See below for the regularly stocked product list.

Are you interested having in an NEB product added to the regularly stocked inventory? Please tell us which product(s) and we'll contact your NEB Account Manager about your request.

NEB # DNA Modifying Enzymes and Cloning Technologies Size Stockroom #
M0289L Antarctic Phosphatase 5,000 units 148387
M0289S Antarctic Phosphatase 1,000 units 148386
M0367L Blunt/TA Ligase Master Mix 250 reactions M0367L
M0367S Blunt/TA Ligase Master Mix 50 reactions M0367S
M0370L Instant Sticky-end Ligase Master Mix 250 reactions M0370L
M0370S Instant Sticky-end Ligase Master Mix 50 reactions M0370S
M2200S Quick Ligation™ Kit 30 reactions 148378
M0371S Shrimp Alkaline Phosphatase (rSAP) 500 units M0371S
M0202S T4 DNA Ligase 20,000 units 116824
M0202T T4 DNA Ligase 20,000 units 148420
M0202L T4 DNA Ligase 100,000 units 118334
M0201S T4 Polynucleotide Kinase 500 units 115832
NEB # Epigenetics Size Stockroom #
R0106S MspI 5,000 units 116392
NEB # Markers & Ladders Size Stockroom #
N3232S 1 kb DNA Ladder 200 gel lanes (0.2 ml) 148588
N3232L 1 kb DNA Ladder 1,000 gel lanes (1 ml) 118244
N3231L 100 bp DNA Ladder 500 gel lanes (0.5 ml) 118243
N3231S 100 bp DNA Ladder 100 gel lanes (0.1 ml) 148587
N3236S 50 bp DNA Ladder 200 gel lanes (0.1 ml) 148590
N3233S Low Molecular Weight DNA Ladder 100 gel lanes (0.1 ml) 148589
N3014S λ DNA-BstEII Digest 150 gel lanes (0.3 ml) 148494
NEB # Nucleic Acid Purification Size Stockroom #
T1030S Monarch® PCR & DNA Cleanup Kit (5 μg) 50 preps T1030S
T1010S Monarch® Plasmid Miniprep Kit  50 preps T1010S
NEB # PCR, Polymerases & Amplification Technologies Size Stockroom #
N0447S Deoxynucleotide (dNTP) Solution Mix 8 µmol 148586
M0210S DNA Polymerase I, Large (Klenow) Fragment 200 units 116381
M0532S Phusion® High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix with GC Buffer 100 reactions (50 µl) 148884
M0530S Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase 100 units 148881
M0530L Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase 500 units 148882
E0553L Phusion® High-Fidelity PCR Kit 200 reactions 148886
E0553S Phusion® High-Fidelity PCR Kit 50 reactions 148885
M0531S Phusion® High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix with HF Buffer 100 reactions (50 µl) 148883
M0368S ProtoScript® II Reverse Transcriptase 4,000 units M0368S
M0491S Q5® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase 100 units M0491S
M0207S SP6 RNA Polymerase 2,000 units 116657
M0267L Taq DNA Polymerase with ThermoPol® Buffer 2,000 units 148377
M0267S Taq DNA Polymerase with ThermoPol® Buffer 400 units 148376
M0254S Vent® DNA Polymerase 200 units 117256
M0254L Vent® DNA Polymerase 1,000 units 118492
NEB # Protein Expression & Purification Technologies Size Stockroom #
E8021S Amylose Resin 15 ml 158589
NEB # Restriction Endonucleases Size Stockroom #
R0117S AatII 500 units 116367
R0520S AflII 2,000 units 116371
R0541S AflIII 250 units 116602
R0137S AluI 1,000 units 148499
R0507S ApaLI 2,500 units 116600
R0526S AseI 2,000 units 116604
R0152S AvaI 2,000 units 116369
R0174S AvrII 100 units 116807
R0136S BamHI 10,000 units 116376
R3136S BamHI-HF® 10,000 units 163420
R0539S BbsI 300 units 116619
R0568S BfaI 500 units 116809
R0144S BglII 2,000 units 116378
R0628S BmgBI 500 units 148625
R0559S BsgI 50 units 116610
R0134S BsmI 500 units 116612
R0540S BspEI 1,000 units 116624
R0517S BspHI 500 units 140454
R0502S BspMI 100 units 116623
R0527S BsrI 1,000 units 116614
R0199S BssHII 500 units 116626
R0168S BstNI 3,000 units 116375
R0113S BstXI 1,000 units 116616
R0524S Bsu36I 1,000 units 116618
R0197S ClaI 1,000 units 116628
R0176S DpnI 1,000 units 116630
R0129S DraI 2,000 units 148421
R0521S EcoNI 1,000 units 116635
R0101L EcoRI 50,000 units 118153
R0195S EcoRV 4,000 units 116382
R3195S EcoRV-HF® 4,000 units 163428
R0588L FseI 500 units 161732
R0108S HaeIII 3,000 units 116384
R0104S HindIII 10,000 units 116386
R0105S HpaI 500 units 116388
R0544S KasI 250 units 151861
R3142S KpnI-HF® 4,000 units 163422
R0190S NaeI 500 units 119830
R0193S NcoI 1,000 units 116393
R0193L NcoI 5,000 units 118160
R3193S NcoI-HF® 1,000 units 163427
R0111S NdeI 4,000 units 116647
R3131S NheI-HF® 1,000 units 163419
R0125S NlaIII 500 units 148423
R0189L NotI 2,500 units 118330
R0189S NotI 500 units 116819
R3189L NotI-HF® 2,500 units 163425
R3189S NotI-HF® 500 units 163426
R0127S NsiI 1,000 units 116649
R0547L PacI 1,250 units 118263
R0547S PacI 250 units 116650
R0509S PflMI 1,000 units 119294
R0560S PmeI 500 units 116820
R0532S PmlI 2,000 units 116651
R0506S PpuMI 500 units 116653
R0593S PshAI 1,000 units 119295
R0140S PstI 10,000 units 116652
R0151S PvuII 5,000 units 149041
R3156S SacI-HF® 2,000 units 163423
R0157S SacII 2,000 units 116399
R0138S SalI 2,000 units 116400
R3138S SalI-HF® 2,000 units 163421
R0569S SapI 250 units 116656
R0123S SfiI 3,000 units 116662
R0141S SmaI 2,000 units 116401
R0130S SnaBI 500 units 116405
R0182S SphI 500 units 116659
R3182S SphI-HF® 500 units 163424
R0604S SwaI 2,000 units 116661
R0145S XbaI 3,000 units 116825
R0146L XhoI 25,000 units 118337
R0146S XhoI 5,000 units 116826
R0180S XmaI 500 units 116664
R0194S XmnI 1,000 units 116408
NEB # RNA Synthesis and Modification Size Stockroom #
M0251L T7 RNA Polymerase 25,000 units 148419
M0251S T7 RNA Polymerase 5,000 units 148418