
University of Pennsylvania

My NEB Freezer Location and Hours

Cell Center Stockroom, B26 Anatomy Chemistry Bldg
3620 Hamilton Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6145

Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm & 2:15 pm -5:00 pm

Barbara Nevin
Phone: (215) 898-2069
Fax:(215) 573-3263

My NEB Account Manager

David Gdula, Ph.D.
Phone: (978) 380-2970

David joined NEB in 2012 and enjoys being a technical resource for customers, discussing new and emerging molecular biology tools, and connecting customers with NEB scientists. Outside of his sales role, David supports STEM learning in primary schools, is a founding member of the Museum of the American Revolution and supports local non-profit events. He is also a professional artist and produces black-and-white art for game manufacturers and fantasy writers.


Products Available in this Freezer

See below for the regularly stocked product list.

Are you interested having in an NEB product added to the regularly stocked inventory? Please tell us which product(s) and we'll contact your NEB Account Manager about your request.

NEB # Size Stockroom #
S1404S m7G(5')ppp(5')G RNA Cap Structure Analog 1 µmol 4331
E7335S NEBNext® Multiplex Oligos for Illumina® (Index Primers Set 1) 24 reactions (12 indices) 5134
NEB # Competent Cells Size Stockroom #
C3019H NEB® 10-beta Competent E. coli (High Efficiency) 20 x 0.05 ml 5420
C2984H NEB® Turbo Competent E. coli (High Efficiency) 20 x 0.05 ml 4540
NEB # DNA Assembly, Cloning and Mutagenesis Kits Size Stockroom #
E2611S Gibson Assembly® Master Mix 10 reactions 4591
NEB # DNA Modifying Enzymes and Cloning Technologies Size Stockroom #
M0289S Antarctic Phosphatase 1,000 units 5133
M0212S Klenow Fragment (3'→5' exo-) 200 units 5288
M2200S Quick Ligation™ Kit 30 reactions 5246
M0202T T4 DNA Ligase 20,000 units 5166
M0202S T4 DNA Ligase 20,000 units 5165
M0202L T4 DNA Ligase 100,000 units 5217
M0202M T4 DNA Ligase 100,000 units 5114
B0202S T4 DNA Ligase Reaction Buffer 5 ml 5964
M0201L T4 Polynucleotide Kinase 2,500 units 5218
M0201S T4 Polynucleotide Kinase 500 units 5173
M0302L T7 Endonuclease I 1,250 units 4287
M0302S T7 Endonuclease I 250 units 4288
M0392S β-Agarase I 100 units 5307
NEB # Epigenetics Size Stockroom #
R0171S HpaII 2,000 units 6182
NEB # Markers & Ladders Size Stockroom #
N3232S 1 kb DNA Ladder 200 gel lanes (0.2 ml) 4584
N3231S 100 bp DNA Ladder 100 gel lanes (0.1 ml) 4583
NEB # Next Generation Sequencing Library Preparation Size Stockroom #
E7500S NEBNext® Multiplex Oligos for Illumina® (Index Primers Set 2) 24 reactions (12 indices) 5327
NEB # PCR, Polymerases & Amplification Technologies Size Stockroom #
M0209S DNA Polymerase I (E. coli) 500 units 5112
M0210S DNA Polymerase I, Large (Klenow) Fragment 200 units 5122
M0541S NEBNext® High-Fidelity 2X PCR Master Mix 50 reactions 4476
M0530S Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase 100 units 5310
M0530L Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase 500 units 5311
M0531S Phusion® High-Fidelity PCR Master Mix with HF Buffer 100 reactions (50 µl) 5201
M0493S Q5® Hot Start High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase 100 units 5318
M0203S T4 DNA Polymerase 150 units 5169
M0254S Vent® DNA Polymerase 200 units 5195
NEB # Restriction Endonucleases Size Stockroom #
R0117S AatII 500 units 6101
R0520S AflII 2,000 units 6107
R0541S AflIII 250 units 6312
R3552S AgeI-HF® 300 units 6113
R0114S ApaI 5,000 units 6111
R0558S AscI 500 units 6288
R0526S AseI 2,000 units 6323
R0174S AvrII 100 units 6385
R0174L AvrII 500 units 6416
R0136S BamHI 10,000 units 6119
R3136L BamHI-HF® 50,000 units 6116
R3136T BamHI-HF® 10,000 units 6135
R0539S BbsI 300 units 6386
R0160S BclI 3,000 units 6128
R0144M BglII 10,000 units 6408
R0144S BglII 2,000 units 6298
R0540S BspEI 1,000 units 6299
R0517S BspHI 500 units 6387
R0113S BstXI 1,000 units 6384
R0524S Bsu36I 1,000 units 6388
R0197S ClaI 1,000 units 6139
R0175S DdeI 1,000 units 6142
R0176S DpnI 1,000 units 6140
R0129S DraI 2,000 units 6389
R3510S DraIII-HF® 1,000 units 6160
R3505S EagI-HF® 500 units 6198
R0521S EcoNI 1,000 units 6300
R3101T EcoRI-HF® 10,000 units 6148
R3101S EcoRI-HF® 10,000 units 6241
R3101L EcoRI-HF® 50,000 units 6266
R3195S EcoRV-HF® 4,000 units 6150
R0588S FseI 100 units 6302
R0139S HhaI 2,000 units 6325
R0103S HincII 1,000 units 6166
R3104S HindIII-HF® 10,000 units 6151
R0105S HpaI 500 units 6180
R3142S KpnI-HF® 4,000 units 6162
R0147S MboI 500 units 6190
R3589S MfeI-HF® 500 units 6164
R0534S MscI 250 units 6193
R0190S NaeI 500 units 6305
R3193S NcoI-HF® 1,000 units 6196
R0111S NdeI 4,000 units 6204
R3131S NheI-HF® 1,000 units 6211
R3189S NotI-HF® 500 units 6212
R3189L NotI-HF® 2,500 units 6215
R0127S NsiI 1,000 units 6214
R0547S PacI 250 units 6409
R0560S PmeI 500 units 6412
R3140S PstI-HF® 10,000 units 6221
R3151S PvuII-HF® 5,000 units 6223
R0167S RsaI 1,000 units 6230
R3156S SacI-HF® 2,000 units 6228
R0157S SacII 2,000 units 6314
R3138S SalI-HF® 2,000 units 6229
R3138L SalI-HF® 10,000 units 6237
R0569S SapI 250 units 6322
R3642S SbfI-HF® 500 units 6295
R0123S SfiI 3,000 units 6246
R0141S SmaI 2,000 units 6249
R0130S SnaBI 500 units 6252
R3182S SphI-HF® 500 units 6256
R3132S SspI-HF® 1,000 units 6330
R0187S StuI 1,000 units 6263
R0604S SwaI 2,000 units 6240
R0145L XbaI 15,000 units 6320
R0145S XbaI 3,000 units 6271
R0146S XhoI 5,000 units 6274
R0146L XhoI 25,000 units 6287
R0180S XmaI 500 units 6393
R0194S XmnI 1,000 units 6280